Vehicle Details
Colour: Blue
Fuel Type: Petrol
Engine: 948 cc
Registration Date: 1959-12-31
Age: 65 years
Mileage Information
Date | Miles | Diff. | Month Avg |
31 Dec 1959 | 0 | 0 | ---- |
28 Mar 2008 | 25.890 | 25.890 | 45 |
21 Mar 2009 | 26.224 | 334 | 30 |
20 Mar 2010 | 27.120 | 896 | 81 |
24 Mar 2011 | 28.594 | 1.474 | 123 |
01 May 2012 | 29.695 | 1.101 | 85 |
Mileage Summary
There are 5 MOT tests performed on AUSTIN with registration 970%20XUH. This vehicle was initially registered on 31 Dec 1959 and the first MOT test was performed on 28 Mar 2008 with a mileage read of 25.890 miles on the odometer. The latest MOT test was performed on 01 May 2012 with a mileage read of 29.695 on the odometer. The mileage difference between the first and the last MOT test is 3.805 miles that corresponds to an average of 77,65 miles per month during the 49 months between first and latest MOT test. If we consider the registration date of 31 Dec 1959 with zero miles, then, the mileage difference between initial registration and the last MOT test is 29.695 miles that corresponds to an average of 47,29 miles per month during the 628 months since registration up to the latest MOT test.
Vehicle Plates
Front plate
970%20XUHBack plate
970%20XUHCheck Full Information
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